Covers de varias bandas del sello Cleopatra a canciones de esté legendario grupo.
Para aquellos que ya oyeron hasta el hartazgo las mismas versiones y les sigue fascinando la canción, ya que en cada corte el grupo invitado le imprime su sello personal, destacan la versión de 'Electric Hellfire Club' a la canción de -killing an arab-, -Lullaby- del gran 'Leather Strip', y 'The Shroud' con la canción -Sinking-.
Covers of several bands from the Cleopatra seal to songs of this legendary group.
For those who already heard to satiety the same versions and still fascinating the song. Each cut from the invited group prints its personal seal, are notable the versions of ' Electric Hellfire Club' to the song of - killing an arab-, - Lullaby- of the great ' Leather Strip' , and ' The Shroud' with the song - Sinking-.
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